Top 5 Tips for New Moms

Top 5 Tips for New Moms

Top 5 Tips for New Moms

Becoming a new mom can feel overwhelming - there’s just so much to learn! It’s easy to get swallowed up by newborn advice, but try not to overload yourself with information. Instead, take some simple steps towards making your life easier and get ready to learn along the way.

In this post, we’ll talk about the top 5 tips for new moms to help you in the transition from 2 to 3!

1. Go hands-free

Investing in a baby carrier or sling will be one of the best things you do as you transition into your new life as a mom!

Our newborns are in constant need of cuddles, and rightly so! But this can mean that we aren’t able to do very much else. A baby carrier means that all of those beautiful cuddles and skin-to-skin time can be hands-free so that you can make coffee, prepare meals, or read your favorite book.

Baby carriers also provide dads with a great way to spend some special time with their newborn. If mom is breastfeeding it can be easy for dad to feel a little left out - getting a baby carrier that dad can wear will ensure that he gets some bonding time too.

2. Be ready to accept help

When we become parents, especially the first time, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to do everything by ourselves. Remember that you’ve just had a baby and that it’s going to be impossible to keep on top of household tasks in the way that you used to.

If your guests come round and offer to make hot drinks for everybody, let them! If your friends and family ask if they can help, say yes! It takes a village. Let your village prepare meals for you and sit with the baby for an hour so that you can catch up on sleep. Don’t try to take on every single task because you will burn yourself out.

As much as a new baby has been born, so has a mother - you need support too.

3. Be a team with your partner

It’s easy to clash with our partners after the arrival of a new baby, after all, nobody knows what they’re doing and we all have different ideas about what is best for our child.

Here are some tips to guarantee that you stay on the same team as your partner:

  • Let them have their say - even when you think you’re right, give your partner a chance to voice their opinion about thoughts on every matter.
  • Pick your battles - let the small things slide to avoid arguments and tension.
  • Relinquish a little control - if your partner is looking after the baby, let them look after the baby. Try to avoid telling them that they’ve done something wrong or that you would have done it a different way.

4. Create a bedtime routine

Creating a bedtime routine may seem futile when you have a newborn, but it’s a wonderful way to help them recognize the difference between day and night, as well as allow yourself time to wind down before falling asleep.

You might like to create a bedtime routine by turning off screens and electronic devices for a little while before you go to bed, dimming the lights in the bedroom, playing some soft music, giving your baby a massage, or reading them a story.

It’s never too early to start a bedtime routine! And later on, you’ll be glad that you did.

5. Read about safe sleep

Get clued up about safe sleep recommendations for newborns and infants so that the whole family can rest easy and, well, safe!

Have a look at our post about the best crib safety tips to get started, and then book an appointment to talk to your midwife about safe sleep recommendations and the steps that they advise you to take.

The takeaway

Don’t let becoming a new mom be a cause for stress! Instead, prepare yourself ahead of time and know that you’ll learn something new in how to handle mom life every day following your little one’s arrival.

What are you looking forward to the most in your life as a new mom?

Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels.